Vol 1, N° 1 (2001)

Annata 2001-2002


Maria Caraci Vela


Maria Teresa Rosa Barezzani
Marco Mangani
Angela Ida De Benedictis

Contributi di laureandi e di neolaureati

Alessandro Bratus, Michela Niccolai


JOHANNES BRAHMS, Symphonie Nr. 1, C-moll, Opus 68, hrsg. von Robert Pascall, München, G. Henle Verlag, 1996, Neue Ausgabe sämtliche Werke, Ser. I: Orchesterwerke, Bd. 3
Andrea Massimo Grassi
Johannes Ockeghem. Actes du XLe Colloque international d’Études humanistes, Tours 3-8 février 1997, edités par Philippe Vendrix, Paris, 1998; ANTOINE BUSNOIS, Method, Meaning and Context in Late Medieval Music, ed. Paula Higgins, Oxford, 1999
Maria Caraci Vela
Catalogue of Early Music Prints from the Collections of the Former Preußische Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, Kept at the Jagiellonian Library, edited by Aleksandra Patalas, Kraków, Musica Iagellonica, 1999
Pietro Zappalà
JOHN G. LANDELS, Music in Ancient Greece and Rome, London and New York, Routledge, 1999
Eleonora Rocconi
Tre incisioni discografiche delle Missae super L’homme armé: Johannes Regis, Johannes Tinctoris e Mathurin Forestier
Francesco Rocco Rossi