Behaviour and performance style in present day canto sul tamburo from the Giuglianese area: continuity and change

Raffaele Di Mauro - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”


Within the tradition of the singing and dancing accompanied by the traditional frame-drum of Campania Region, there are different identifia-ble area styles. Beyond several common traits, these styles are distinguished by different types of performative structure concerning both vocal-instrumental and cho-reutic performance. The style of Giuglianese-domiziana area is easily recognizable being characterized by the use of sisco, a small straight flute. The aim of this study is to verify the relevance of the Giuglianese style with its different performative inno-vations and the wide variety of performance contexts (from ritual occasions to concert performances on stage). By means of examples, it will outline the essential features which characterize the performance practice of canto sul tamburo in Giugliano. Particular attention will be devoted to the different modes of self-represe-ntation that are mainly constitute by a large number of self-produced CDs, and a great flowering of video on YouTube and Facebook groups which play a crucial role in today's aware-ness of the local actors.

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Registrazione presso la Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia n. 552 del 14 luglio 2000 – ISSN elettronico 1826-9001 | Università degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimento di Musicologia | Pavia University Press

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