Critical Review: Measures of Digital Competency related to Employability

Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor - University of Zambia, Abubaker Qutieshat - University of Dundee, Tryson Yangailo - University of Zambia


Digital competence could gain a competitive advantage for enterprises. The study was to understand the relationship between digital competence and employability. The evolution of the European Union Digital Competency frameworks was analyzed to derive measures that could be tested with employers. DigComp 2.2 provides an integrated framework of competency areas, their descriptors, proficiency levels, skills, attitudes, and knowledge applicable to employability. Knowledge was the key driver of digital competency, with measures of artificial intelligence emerging across competency areas. Also, attitudes were found to have a moderating effect between digital competency and employability. However, due to the diverse nature and employability requirements by firms and from different economic sectors, further studies targeted at a diverse group of employers could establish digital competencies in demand.


digital competency, employability, framework, proficiency, problem solving

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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