Organizational Behavior: Attention, Knowledge, and Control Systems. The Learning Organization

Carlotta Meo Colombo - PhD in “Economia Aziendale” Doctoral School of Social Sciences Department of Economics and Business Sciences University of Pavia, Italy, Piero Mella - University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management Via S. Felice 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy


This paper aims to present organizations as Control Systems, introducing an innovative approach to explain how organizations behave in coping with and adapting to sudden environmental changes. Embracing a cybernetic point of view, it will provide a general model of control system which describes the process that allows the organization to deal efficiently with external stimuli and focus on strategy and goals. Control Systems are considered as a fundamental part of the view of organizations as black boxes with a feedback control, which processes information. I shall demon­strate how organizations carry out their processes and build their organizational activities while linking Control Systems to attention and knowledge as starting and improving points to define viable conditions of survival and learning. In fact, organizations are concerned not only with processing external triggers but also with attention processes which foster knowledge creation, understood as a process according to which external and internal information is absorbed, processed, and structured in models, contributing to the creation of an organizational memory. The faster the organization learns to develop attention and thinking, the readier the entire organization will be to develop organizational learning.


feedback control systems–CSs; organizations as CSs; management and governance of CSs; organizational attention; Model of Enterprise as a System of Transformation; Attention and knowledge coupling; cognition; learning organizations; the 5 disciplines.

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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