Systems Thinking e System Dynamics. L’arte di capire la dinamica ed il controllo dei sistemi.

Piero Mella - Department of Business Research - University of Pavia


To "understand the world" means, in fact, to be able to construct coherent and sense-making models of it which may allow us to acquire, update and transmit our knowledge. I believe that intelligence depends on the ability to construct such models. Intelligent persons are those who learn quickly and effectively; they have the ability (innate or acquired) to construct, utilize and modify models; they can understand their interconnections and changes and always "know" what is happening and could happen in order to control events and successfully face the various situations in life, deciding in the most rational way how to solve problems. I also believe that the most useful and effective models to strengthen our intelligence are system ones - developed following the logic of Systems Thinking - because such models can explore complexity, dynamics and change. This paper aims to present the main ideas of Systems Thinking, which is considered not only as a technique but primarily as a discipline for efficient and effective thinking.


Systems Thinking, System Dynamics, Control Systems, Causal Loop Diagram, Stock&Flow Diagram, The fifth discipline, Archetypes

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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