Literature analysis of existing maturity models for Project Management in Public Administration.

Serena De Rosa - Sapienza Università di Roma


This study aims to evaluate Project Management Maturity Models to determine if they can meet the specific needs of Public Admin­istration (PA). The analysis focuses on the most widely known maturity models, assessing their distinctive characteristics to determine their suitability for meeting the complex requirements of government projects. The methodology used is a Structured Literature Review (SLR), following a systematic approach to identify, evaluate, and synthesize existing academic literature. Paoloni and Demartini (2016) highlight the importance of utilizing well-established models to ensure a thorough and accurate exploration of the topic. The results show that while some models could be applied to public administration, substantial modifica­tions are necessary to make them operational and effective in the public sector. Specifically, the analysis reveals that regulatory complexity and specific transparency requirements in managing public funds require significant adaptations to ensure compliance and transparency management within these models. The study’s limitations include challenges in adapting models initially designed for the private sector to PA needs, where resistance to change and limited resources may hinder the dissemination and implementation of these models. This review, limited to the Scopus database, does not encompass the complete range of available studies. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the need to develop maturity models specifically designed for the public sector, identifying areas for improvement in the existing literature and suggesting further research to bridge these gaps.


maturity models, public administration, project management, transparency, structured literature review (SLR).

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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