The Behaviour of the Efficient Organization. Intelligence, Learning, Experience

Piero Mella - Professor Department of Economics and Management. University of Pavia, Italy


This work is part of a series of articles whose aim is to present teachers and students with theoretical notions useful for examining certain technical themes, concepts, or theories that form the basis of a wide-ranging business economic literature but are not specifically treated in it. Specifically, this article aims at highlighting the basic systemic notions needed to understand the logic of "permanent organizations" viewed as autopoietic, teleonomic, cognitive, and efficient systems.  An elementary symbology is used to present the characteristics that define "for-business organizations", and, within this class, to distinguish the "for-profit" from the "not-for-profit organizations". The concepts of production and market efficiency are specified, and from these the notions of TEVA, TEVAP, TEVAM, and EVA are derived. The work concludes by linking the concept of "autopoiesis" to those of Intelligence, Learning, and Experience, which characterize the management of efficient organizations.   

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