Branding in the chemical industry: Mission slogan and image campaign. Ethics or pragmatics?

Hans J.L. Verboven -


This article, which represents current work in progress at Antwerp University, will focus on mission slogans and some recent advertising and image campaigns of major players in the chemical industry. It will analyze the strategy behind these slogans and campaigns and whether the said strategies are consistent or not. These strategies aim at increasing public acceptance and approval of a negatively perceived industry and often do so by focusing on positive aspects in order to counteract environmental issues. Perception of “sustainable development” and “corporate citizenship” consequently play an important role in these strategies.The question will be raised whether (environmentalist) image campaigns could pay off in terms of turnover and whether they are ethically or pragmatically inspired. Comparison will have to be made between the B2B and end-consumer orientated nature of the companies or of their divisions.Focus is on BASF and BAYER, undisputedly the world’s biggest chemical companies and on other important players such as DEGUSSA, LANXESS and DUPONT.

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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