ITC e miglioramento delle attività relative alla funzione "risorse umane" (e-human resources) negli enti locali di minori dimensioni. Un caso di associazioni tra comuni

Aldo Monea -


The ICT, if applied to Human Resources Office (electronic-Human Resources), can, such as it is realising a lot of Organizations, to improve his performance.

Presumable, Communes, through a ICT largest application about H. R., might improve and reinforce a lot of their functionalities. Particularly, in Communes of small dimensions often this learning is not accomplished.

An interesting innovation in this area is the “Associate Office”. This is an organizational option of cooperation among Communes.

The improvement that the e-HR can offer, in the Communes cooperation, is not much analysed. Here it is analysed the “Southern Romagna’s Associate Office” with the purpose to give an aid to this research.  Specifically, this analysis points out to verify the ICT impact, to recognize the learning development in associate Local Authorities and to reflect about positive and negative profiles of this experience.

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