Simulation Techniques in Public Administration Procedures

Srecko Devjak - , Bojan Peček -


Public administration is undergoing a series of reforms. These influence the management methods and techniques originating in the private sector in the management’s everyday work.

With the intention to gain a more transparent overview of the administrative processes and to make them more transparent and manageable, the simulation methods are being implemented. They expose the weak points and bottlenecks of the organisation.

The article describes the problems of collecting the data on elementary operations. The documentation databases have been analysed with the aim to define the elapsed time for a single administrative operation and the probability of transformation of a transaction from one process state to another. The article presents the experience gained in the implementation of the Micrografx iGrafx Process 2000 as a simulation tool. It also provides a practical example of simulation of an administrative process by means of the above-mentioned tool.

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Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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