Research on the internship system oriented Towards Nurturing Professional Design Ability The Example of Visual Communication Design Education

Ming-lan Kang - , I-Jen Chiu -


The purpose of this research is to discuss in depth the planning and establishment of a visual communication design education internship system. Students in this field can learn practical professional design abilities and plan their future directions through internship. Utilizing the experimental method and working in the Department of Visual Communication Design of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, the researchers used “analysis of the literature,” “questionnaires,” “case studies,” and “expert seminars” to understand the advantages, disadvantages and effects of this internship system.

The results of this research are as follows: (1) Students lack the “independent initiative,” which can be overcome by working on practical cases. By working on these cases, students improved their ability to discover and discuss questions. In addition, this also improved their self-evaluation ability. (2) Students in the experiments though that the biggest gain was “receiving actual experience.” (3) Companies that provide internship opportunities are motivated by the desire to “educate” and “establish human resources.” This proves that companies who accept internship students have long-term vision. (4) Big differences exist between the evaluations of the internship companies and the students: the former thought that the students still had much room for improvement, while the latter believed that their abilities strengthened immensely.

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